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Regenerative Education Fund

A Collaborative Pathway into Transformation

We have a comprehensive vision for a regenerative learning hub that blends the education of children with landscape restoration and a diversity of community processes.

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Bioregional Learning Ecosystem

Our strategy is to organize local projects within large landscape systems. A great deal of learning already takes place in Barichara -- yet it has been isolated and fragmented in the past. 

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How It Works

The Regenerative Education Fund is a powerful way to organize the flow of resources in support of integration at the territorial scale.

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1.  Join the Support Network 
2.  Pool Resources Together
3.  Flow Into Local Projects
4.  Weave and Integrate

Two Ways to Get Involved

Option 1 :: Join the Network

Join the donor support network today and you can learn alongside us in Barichara.

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Simply fill out this form and pledge $500 to Barichara's Regenerative Education Fund.

Option 2 :: Make a Donation

Pledge Now

Help us make a difference

Thank you for your donation!

Make a donation directly to the fund for any amount you choose.

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