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Governance for Bioregional Regeneration

Yesterday we did work that felt historically significant…

In the span of nine hours, we gathered with the founding members of Fundación Barichara Regenerativa with help from a facilitation team at Territoria to establish the governing structures of our bioregional regeneration platform.

This has been three and a half years in the making. Several rounds of fundraising and strategic investing in local initiatives. Weaving of relationships based in deep trust. Cultivating a shared vision for what it will take to regenerate our bioregion here in the Northern Andes.

And now we have the model ready for serious elaboration -- with a work plan to create four thematic community groups, each with a lead coordinator for establishing regenerative funding systems in the areas of:

1. Regenerative Education

2. Regenerative Economy

3. Regeneration of Natural Ecosystems

4. Cultural Regeneration and Territorial Healing

These groups will send representatives to a community council that holds the collective agenda of leaders throughout our territory. An executive council will gather information from this community process to mobilize resources into a territorial pattern of bioregional finance.

And an operational team will need to be hired that can implement all of this in coordination with the growing complexity of community-led initiatives.

We have come a long way and we now have clarity (along with the agreements in place) to manifest this inspiring model of bioregional funding and governance. In parallel, we are engaging in a design process across different territories in Colombia to create a similar set of structures for the Northern Andes Regeneration Fund -- and through the Design School we are setting in motion a learning exchange between three bioregions of North America and this foundational work in Barichara.

For those of you who have read my book, The Design Pathway for Regenerating Earth, you will notice that we are truly living into the design pathway now. It is happening.

Onward, fellow humans!

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