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Birthing A School in the Ruins

It feels so poetic to be birthing a school in the ruins...

Mud walls still remain where a house once stood. Signs of life from a time that is now forgotten. An edge in which to expand the bioparque and bring new life.

Entire civilizations have been buried under jungle in the span of a few years. Nature has always been more powerful than us. And now, in this small way, we are entering the ruins to birth a regenerative school for the children of Barichara.

It is so viscerally time to start composting the current civilization. One way of doing that is to receive money that was accumulated during the financial expansion of the last few hundred years and convert it into infrastructure for land-system regeneration.

In our case, this small plot of land will be given into the commons and help transform the bioparque into a fully activated school of reforestation.

Children growing up as they learn how to restore forests and recuperate dead rivers. This has been my vision since arriving in Barichara five years ago. It is happening now. And this little piece of land is one place in which cultural seeds are being planted to birth a regenerative future.

From the ruins will arise the new models of human culture.

Onward, fellow humans.

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