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Barichara Receives $25,000 for Regenerative Education

We received the wonderful news that the Barichara Regenerative Education Fund gets $25,000 in matching funds from the recent "Land Regenerators" round on Gitcoin that was hosted by Ma Earth. Thank you to everyone who supported us!

These funds will support the creation of a regenerative school in Barichara as part of a land acquisition connected with Bioparque Móncora. Go here to learn more. There was a matching pool of $200,000 distributed across 30 projects -- each of which is doing important regenerative work. As described here, even a small donation could lead to significant matching funds. In total, we had 144 donors contribute $2,700 and received the maximum match of $25,000.

What we plan to do with this money is add it to the Regenerative Education Fund where we are currently raising money to complete the purchase of a piece of land called Las Ruinas that is connected to Bioparque Móncora. This creates a double benefit for the community because the seller of the land is a member-based nonprofit called Asociación Aquileo Parra. They will use the money they receive by selling the land to pay off back taxes on Bioparque Móncora and to invest in infrastructure improvements on community land in the town.

The second benefit is that we will donate Las Ruinas to another nonprofit that is currently being set up called Tierra Sagrada -- bringing it into the commons as the future home of a regenerative school Sueños del Bosque. This is regenerative finance in action!!

Now that we have $60,000 that my partner Penny and I are donating plus this additional $25,000, we are well on our way to raising the $200,000 that is needed to complete the land purchase and construct a community school for regenerating our territory. If you would like to contribute to this effort, please consider making a donation today.

Onward, fellow humans.

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